Prenatal Chiropractic Care

Experience a Healthy Pregnancy and Delivery with Prenatal Chiropractic Care

At Elite Pediatric and Family Chiropractic we understand that pregnancy can be a wonderful but challenging time for expectant mom's. That's why we offer specialized prenatal chiropractic care tailored to support the health and well-being of both mother and baby throughout the entire pregnancy journey, from conception to delivery.

Find Comfort and Wellness for You and Your Baby

Prenatal chiropractic care is a wonderful way to take care of yourself and your baby during pregnancy. Getting adjusted during pregnancy creates a comfortable and nurturing environment in your body, which can help alleviate pregnancy-related discomforts and promote optimal health and wellness for both you and your little one. With prenatal chiropractic care, you can enjoy a safe and natural way to support your body and enhance your pregnancy experience.

The Benefits of Prenatal Chiropractic Care

  • Helps alleviate pregnancy-related discomforts, such as back pain, sciatica, headaches, and nausea
  • Reduces the need for pain medication during pregnancy and delivery
  • Improves pelvic alignment and function, which may facilitate optimal fetal positioning and reduce the risk of breech or posterior presentation
  • Helps promote healthy nervous system function, which is important for the developing fetus 
  • May reduce the duration of labor and delivery, as well as the need for interventions like forceps, vacuum extraction, or cesarean section
  • Complements traditional prenatal care and can enhance the overall pregnancy experience for the mother and family *

Certified Prenatal Chiropractic Care For Expecting Mom's

We hold numerous post graduate credentials and perform the Webster Technique, a specialized chiropractic technique. The Webster technique is a specific chiropractic analysis and adjustment. The goal of the adjustment is to reduce the effects of subluxation and/or pelvic joint dysfunction. In so doing neurobiomechanical function in the sacral/pelvic region is improved.

We will assess your spine and nervous system and make any necessary corrections, allowing mom and baby to be in the best position possible.

Support for Every Stage of Pregnancy

At Elite Pediatric and Family Chiropractic, we provide support for expectant moms at every stage of the pregnancy journey. Our office is far more than a place to just pop in and get adjusted – it’s a tribe and community. You’ll find yourself hanging out before and after your adjustments talking with our team and rockstar moms, attending classes, and getting connected to other incredible birth professionals such as midwives, doulas, and doctors who also provide care in a more natural, empowering way.

And finally, our care certainly does not stop the day your beautiful baby arrives. We come right alongside you in that next critical period of your family’s life, providing incredible care and support for both mom and baby.

Why Choose Elite Pediatric and Family Chiropractic?

As parents of 7 children and a combined 42+ years of experience providing expectant moms with the care and support they need we work to ensure you have the healthiest pregnancy possible. Our team is here to provide you with the care, guidance and support you need, so you have peace of mind you are getting the best care available.

At Elite Pediatric and Family Chiropractic, we are committed to helping mothers and babies achieve optimal health and wellness throughout pregnancy and beyond. Contact us today to learn more about how we can support you on your journey to a healthy pregnancy and delivery.

Don't know where to start?

Call Us Today or fill out our form and one of our amazing Care Advocates will call you right away to find out your exact concerns, answer all of your questions, and get your family’s healing experience started right away!

* 1. Stuber KJ, Smith DL. Chiropractic treatment of pregnancy-related low back pain: a systematic review of the evidence. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2008;31(6):447-454. doi: 10.1016/j.jmpt.2008.06.009
2. Haas C, Peterson D, Williams K. Chiropractic care during pregnancy: safety and effectiveness. Am J Lifestyle Med. 2012;6(4):257-261. doi: 10.1177/1559827612436442
3. Borggren CL. Pregnancy and chiropractic: a narrative review of the literature. J Chiropr Med. 2007;6(2):70-74. doi: 10.1016/j.jcme.2007.03.004
4. Alcantara J, Ohm J, Kunz D. The safety and effectiveness of pediatric chiropractic: a survey of chiropractors and parents in a practice-based research network. Explore (NY). 2009;5(5):290-295. doi: 10.1016/j.explore.2009.06.002
5. Fallon J. The role of chiropractic in pregnancy and childbirth. Top Clin Chiropr. 2001;8(1):20-24. doi: 10.1016/S1078-7339(01)80023-2