The Importance of Proprioception in Child Development
As parents, we are constantly striving to make the best decisions for our children's health, and when we get a gut sense that something is wrong, it is disconcerting, especially if we are unsure what is wrong.
Not surprisingly, proprioception is a term that many parents are unfamiliar with.
So if your child has problems with motor tone and development, a weak core, delayed walking or talking, sensory processing disorder, autistic spectrum disorder, or even ADHD and anxiety, proprioception may be to blame.
Understanding proprioception, its role in the development of children's brains, and how early childhood stressors and birth interventions such as C-sections, inductions, forceps, and vacuum-assisted deliveries can disrupt it is critical knowledge for parents.
This is for you if you are a parent whose child is experiencing motor function issues, tone and coordination difficulties, sensory processing challenges, speech delays, and other issues.
It is especially important if your child is receiving typical therapies such as physical therapy (PT), occupational therapy (OT), and speech therapy but has reached a plateau or is not seeing the desired outcomes as rapidly as you would have wanted.
As Neurologically-Focused Chiropractors, we want to delve deeply into the topics of proprioception, motor tone, and development and how they affect sensory processing, behavioral and emotional control, focus, memory, and much more.
By having a thorough understanding of these concepts, you will be able to make educated decisions concerning your child's health and development.
Signs of Proprioceptive Challenges in Children
Proprioception functions as our body's "sixth sense," constantly sending information to the brain about our location, movement, coordination, spatial orientation, and motor tone.
It is also is vital for everyday tasks such as walking, writing, and reaching for objects, even if we don't realize it.
In particular, proprioception plays an important role in brain development, optimal brain function, control, and overall well-being in growing children and teenagers.
Changes in proprioception are linked to the four major neurological problems that children confront today: autism, sensory processing issues, ADHD, and anxiety. It is also linked to epilepsy and seizures.
7 Signs of Proprioceptive Challenges in Children
- 1Motor Tone Issues: Children with proprioceptive challenges might exhibit difficulties in maintaining appropriate muscle tension, leading to issues like floppy or stiff muscles. (Reference: KidsHealth - "Sensory Processing Disorder" -
- 2Delayed Milestones: Proprioceptive challenges can impact a child's ability to reach developmental milestones on time, such as sitting, crawling, walking, and talking. (Reference: Understood - "The Proprioceptive System: What You Need to Know" -
- 3Sensory Processing Difficulties: Children with proprioceptive challenges might struggle with sensory processing, finding it hard to regulate their responses to touch, movement, and other sensory stimuli. (Reference: Sensory Integration Global Network - "What is Sensory Integration?" -
- 4Fine and Gross Motor Skill Delays: Proprioceptive challenges can contribute to delays in both fine motor skills (like writing or buttoning clothes) and gross motor skills (like running or jumping). (Reference: Verywell Family - "Proprioception: The Underlying Skill for Motor Planning" -
- 5Difficulty with Coordination: Children experiencing proprioceptive challenges may find it tough to coordinate their movements, leading to clumsiness and difficulties in activities that require precise control. (Reference: Child Mind Institute - "Developmental Coordination Disorder" -
- 6Sensory Seeking Behaviors: Some children with proprioceptive challenges might engage in sensory-seeking behaviors like constantly touching objects, crashing into things, or seeking deep pressure sensations. (Reference: The Inspired Treehouse - "Proprioceptive Activities: What They Are and Why Kids Need Them" -
- 7Overwhelm and Anxiety: Proprioceptive challenges can contribute to heightened stress and anxiety in children due to difficulties in processing sensory information, leading to feelings of overwhelm. (Reference: ADDitude - "Sensory Processing Disorder: Strategies for Parents" -
These signs might indicate proprioceptive challenges in children and can significantly impact their overall development and well-being. If you suspect your child is experiencing these challenges, our neurologically focused care may be beneficial in providing appropriate support and interventions.
Understanding the Connection: Birth Trauma, Subluxation and Proprioception
C-sections, inductions, forceps, and vacuum-assisted births, among other birth techniques and trauma, can impair proprioceptive input by inflicting physical injuries to the brainstem and vagus nerve.
These injuries contribute to nervous system tension, or subluxation, a condition known as dysautonomia.
Misalignment, decreased or stuck proprioceptive input, and neurological interference, imbalance, and dysfunction are the three main parts of subluxation. It is critical to comprehend how these things affect your child's body.
While physical therapy (PT) and occupational therapy (OT) assessments use movement and coordination tests to assess proprioceptive function and motor tone, our neurological INSiGHT scans go deeper into the fundamental reasons.
We can determine the specific subluxation and impaired proprioception using the information acquired from the INSiGHT scans.
Neuro-Tonal Adjustments can then be applied to help improve your child's condition by increasing proprioceptive input into the brain and central nervous system.
INSiGHT Scans: A Deeper Look at Proprioceptive Function
INSiGHT Scanning Technology
In order to assess and identify the stress on your child's nervous system, our office uses INSiGHT scans. We are able to measure the stress and determine its specific location, quantity, and intensity.
This makes it possible to develop a personalized care plan to correct the subluxations and relieve stress.
Initial Exam STRESSED
When the neurospinal system is stressed a decrease in function results. INSiGHT scanning allows us to look deeply into the spinal nerve connections and understand the impact these subluxations have on the overall health of the patient. Note one sided red and blue lines.
Follow Up Exam HEALTHIER
Getting rid of subluxation can result in amazing natural neurological healing, which enhances the digestive, immunological, and motor systems. Your child will perform more effectively overall, have better sleep, and be able to regulate their emotions better. Note more balanced, less red and decreased blue lines.
Story of Hope: Joseph's Inspiring Proprioception Journey
Hearing from another family who has gone through something similar to yours can help you relate and put all the puzzle pieces together. Joseph's narrative is amazing and touches on the essence of proprioception.
Joseph's transformation from anxiousness, sensory processing dysfunction, and poor muscular tone to a calmer, more relaxed state with improved posture exemplifies the transforming power of proprioception understanding.
His amazing narrative and accompanying scans may be found here.
Neurologically-Focused Chiropractic Care for Proprioception
If you suspect that your child may be suffering from proprioception and related issues, and you believe that improvement from PT, OT, and Speech Therapy is not as rapid or complete as you would like, we encourage you to look into Neurologically-Focused Chiropractic Care.
It is frequently the missing link in children's proprioception and general neurological development.
Taking the Next Step: Exploring Drug-Free Solutions
Please contact our team at Elite Pediatric and Family Chiropractic, we'd be happy to answer any questions you have!
If you're not close to us in Kennesaw, you can browse our directory for a local PX Doctor near you to get your child started with care now.
Partnering with Our Team for Your Child's Proprioception Journey
We can work together to help you support your child's health and provide support with their everyday movement or sensory issues.
Don't know where to start?
Call Us Today or fill out our form and one of our amazing Care Advocates will call you right away to find out your exact concerns, answer all of your questions, and get your family’s healing experience started right away!