The Hidden Connection: Birth Trauma, Ear Infections, Antibiotics, and Asthma


June 29, 2023

Boy Looking In Teddy Bears Ear Min

The Start of the Cascade: The Birth Process

Let's talk about a topic that's been around for a while now - the connection between ear infections, antibiotics, and asthma.

It's pretty clear and well-known, so it's surprising that not every parent knows the full story about this "Perfect Storm."

The journey from childhood ear infections to a lifetime of immune challenges and asthma is unfortunately quite common. And it all starts with the way we give birth in today's medical system.


Was every birth flawless and trouble-free? Nope. However, 30–40% of them, or more of them, did not include general anesthesia, surgical equipment, and a baby being yanked out by the head and neck.

Why am I bringing up the birth process?

Well, it's where the most common injury to the upper neck, brainstem, and cranial areas occur. It's the first "kink" in the chain, and it's what sets everything else up.

When the baby's head and neck are strained, pulled, and stressed during birth, it often leads to something called a subluxation.

This means that the spine is misaligned, stuck, and causing neurological irritation.

The more intervention there is during birth (forceps, vacuum, induction, C-section, etc.), the higher the likelihood of a significant subluxation occurring.

It's not an absolute situation, but from my experience, there's a strong correlation. And once a subluxation happens, it sets the stage for other problems down the line.

The Link Between Childbirth and Ear Infections

Let's talk about ear infections and how they relate to childbirth. There are two main problems that cause and contribute to ear infections:

1. Poor drainage
2. Weakened neuro-immune function.

When there is physical trauma to the neck in-utero, during birth or early in life, it creates a "kink" in close proximity to the "drain pipes" coming from the ears, sinuses, and head.

Specifically, the top two vertebrae share a lot of nerve supply, muscles, and structures with the inner ear and sinuses.

This can lead to a "clogging" of the drainage of the surrounding structures, including the lymphatics that drain the head and neck.

Pediatricians often explain to parents that "early in life the Eustachian tubes are just more horizontal, and for some kids, that's worse than others. "While this is somewhat true, it's important to note that these tubes were designed that way.

Movement plays a bigger role in draining fluid from our ears than gravity does. When misalignment and fixation occur, fluid can accumulate in the ear and sinuses, leading to an increased risk of infection.

The longer fluid sits in the inner ear, the greater the chance that viruses and bacteria can set up shop and cause an infection.

Additionally, when there is a subluxation in the region of the brainstem and spinal cord, it can compromise neuro-immune function. 

So, if you have poor drainage and weakened immune function, you are more likely to develop ear infections.

Antibiotics: A Double-Edged Sword

Antibiotics are readily available at Walgreens and CVS, making it easy for parents to grab a prescription for their child's ear, sinus, or respiratory infection.

However, research shows that antibiotics are not as effective as we once thought, and they come with both short and long-term side effects.

Giving antibiotics to a child early in life, especially within the first 12 to 24 months, can increase their risk of developing inflammatory and autoimmune issues like asthma in the future.

The overuse of antibiotics is a concern, but it goes farther than that. Here's an excerpt from another study that makes it quite clear:

“Antibiotics are not recommended for either diagnosis, as most of these infections are viral, but antibiotics are frequently prescribed to children with these diagnoses. Reducing unnecasssary antibiotic use is important: antibiotics are the leading cause of emergency department (ED) visits for pediatric adverse drug events and contribute to antibiotic resistance.”

Updated American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) clinical practice guidelines address the diagnosis and treatment of uncomplicated acute otitis media (AOM) in children aged 6 months to 12 years, and the AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics) concurs with this recommendation.

The updated recommendations, which include more exact diagnostic criteria to cut down on unnecessary antibiotic use, were released on February 25 online and in the March issue of Pediatrics.

Therefore, if they are known to be ineffective, to have negative effects both short- and long-term, and to contribute to what is currently a serious public health concern (antibiotic-resistant strains or "superbugs"), then why do pediatricians and other types of doctors continue to prescribe them liberally? A good question.

Our belief is that most pediatricians still turn to antibiotics because it's the only thing they have in their "tool kit," even though they care deeply and want the child and parent to feel better. This is because most pediatricians still lack the level of education and understanding of neurologically-focused care such as chiropractic.

The Bigger Picture: Beyond Ear Infections

Let's go back to the birth trauma and inadequate plumbing discussion before we finish this blog piece. Is it the only adverse health impact our children might experience following major birth trauma or intervention? Regrettably, no. Only then do things really begin.

We observe the Perfect Storm pathway play out in case study after case study: 

  • There's a ton of mental and emotional stress during the fertile period and pregnancy.
  • The brainstem and neurospinal system are physically harmed as a result of birth intervention.
  • Breastfeeding, latching, calming, and bonding challenges occur.
  • Constipation, reflux, and colic.
  • RSV, croup, cough, persistent and recurrent ear infections, and other respiratory conditions. (Medications such as antibiotics, steroids, and others are routinely given)
  • Delays in developmental milestones include sitting up, walking, talking, engaging in social activities, and speaking as well as altered motor development.
  • Diagnosis of conditions including autism spectrum disorder, sensory processing disorder, apraxia of speech, ADHD, anxiety, etc.

The Unseen Consequences of Ear Tube Surgery

Before we wrap up this article, let's take a closer look at the neurophysiological relationships between asthma and ear tube surgery, the next stage of medical intervention.

The guidelines that help doctors decide whether to recommend ear tubes are not always carved in stone, just like the rules for when to prescribe antibiotics.
The majority of the time, it appears like follows:
* 3 or more ear infections in the space of six months
* 4 to 6 ear infections during a year

We have certainly taken plenty of case histories of children who have had two or even three separate ear tube procedures throughout the years, and we have seen a lot of case histories of individuals who have far exceeded that mark.

That is probably due to the fact that, although the ear tubes and surgery "force" an improved drainage system for a brief period of time, as the child grows older, the underlying reason of the buildup and inadequate plumbing is still left unattended.

The body forces the original tubes out and returns to the same Perfect Storm it was previously trapped in.

 Myringotomy or tympanostomy is the most frequent operation in children and is carried out over 700,000 times in the United States each year at a cost of $1.8 billion, just like ear infections and upper respiratory issues are the top two causes of pediatric visits.

So, where does all that virus-filled, stuck fluid go after that?

Many parents claim that the eustachian tubes operation brought them immediate relief, but regrettably a few weeks or months later they start to realize that their child, especially at night, seems to be speaking and breathing in a different way.

Their breathing becomes a little more laborious, and their voice becomes a little hoarser and indistinct. It appears they have to "work harder" than previously.

This time, the pediatrician is less concerned about the ears and instead notes that the child has strep infection and that the tonsils and adenoids are "swollen". Hey, don't fret though! You guessed it—this one is frequently caused by germs! MORE ANTIBIOTICS!

The snoring gets worse, the sinuses and throat get more congested, the breathing gets harder, and the strep infections happen more frequently as time goes on.

Finally, that same pediatrician advises you to visit the ENT again to inquire about having your child's tonsils and adenoids removed.

This entails the same surgeon, hospital, and surgical protocol for the majority of children. They simply remove some additional bodily parts after having already drilled a few holes in one of them.

Who needs all those extra body parts, right? It's like assembling a coffee table you got at IKEA. They were probably just "extras" and weren't truly necessary for long-term immunological function.

(Sorry for the satire; knowing what's really happening and that parents aren't given ALL of their options makes it heartbreaking.)

Back to the hospital we go. More operations mean more ice cream. Additionally, the fluid continues to spread throughout the body.

The fluid continues to move "south" and now begins to establish itself in the lungs and upper airway.  It is merely the next spot on the anatomical map, and it is where the lymphatics, ear, nose, and throat were all supposed to naturally drain into all along, prior to the birth trauma or other trauma setting up that subluxation and "kink" in the plumbing system.

The Next Stop: Asthma and Allergies

In short, the child now gets sick every day of their life... Flovent, Singulair, Advair, etc. They are unable to run and venture outside without challanges.

Due to their "allergies," as they are now referred to, spring and fall are nightmares for them.

In essence, what was once a temporary, acute issue that could have been permanently resolved with better plumbing and by regaining neuro-immune function has now developed into a lifelong chronic sickness and immunological dysfunction.

What was once a child who experienced agony and suffering for one or two nights has now become a child who experiences pain and discomfort every day of their life.

It is a "Perfect Storm" in and of itself.

These children don't require more antibiotics or operations. Parents require additional information. They need more pediatricians and medical professionals who will tell them the truth—that antibiotics are not only mostly ineffective for all of these problems, but also potentially harmful.

The Need for a New Approach: Chiropractic Care and Natural Health Options

Before sending children down this path of medications, surgeries, allergies, and asthma, they need doctors who will advise them to seek chiropractic care and all natural health choices for ear infections.

Please have your child checked by a pediatric chiropractor to see whether they are subluxated if they are suffering, and tell others who are too.

The likelihood that they are subluxated is greater if there was additional stress throughout the pregnancy or intervention and trauma during the delivery procedure. 

Our INSiGHT Technology (see below) can uncover hidden neuro-spinal stress that may be causing your childs health issues.

The bright side for your family is, chiropractic care and natural health may offer you a better chance of getting answers and comfort!

Explore our website to learn more about our clinical procedures by visiting this page

Child getting INSiGHT scan

INSiGHT Scanning Technology

In order to assess and identify the stress on your child's nervous system, our office uses INSiGHT scans. We are able to measure the stress and determine its specific location, quantity, and intensity.

This makes it possible to develop a personalized care plan to correct the subluxations and relieve stress.

Initial Exam STRESSED

When the neurospinal system is stressed a decrease in function results. INSiGHT scanning allows us to look deeply into the spinal nerve connections and understand the impact these subluxations have on the overall health of the patient. Note one sided red and blue lines.

INSiGHT scan showing stress

Follow Up Exam HEALTHIER

Getting rid of subluxation can result in amazing natural neurological healing, which enhances the digestive, immunological, and motor systems. Your child will perform more effectively overall, have better sleep, and be able to regulate their emotions better. Note more balanced, less red and decreased blue lines.

INSiGHT scan showing improvement

If you arrived at this blog post or any of the other articles on our website, you are unquestionably and awesomely the parent who is still looking for Hope, Answers, and Help - and you want to do it naturally and without using any drugs!

We are fortunate to have the opportunity to assist you and your family because that is EXACTLY WHY THIS PLATFORM AND OUR WORK EXISTS.

Please forward this article to a friend or member of your family who would also benefit from learning more about ears, antibiotics, and asthma.

About Us 

Elite Pediatric and Family Chiropractic

At Elite Pediatric and Family Chiropractic we are committed to empowering each individual with the potential for superior health, expression, and achievement in life by giving Hope, Answers, and Help to families.

We are dedicated to helping families raise healthy kids naturally. We focus on prenatal, pediatric, and family chiropractic care in order to lead our patients "out of the storm" --of neurological trauma. Our office specializes in working with children who have sensory, behavioral, emotional, learning, and developmental challenges.

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