Unveiling the Truth: Root Causes of ADHD in Children and Drug-Free Solutions


June 19, 2023


Understanding the Causes of ADHD in Children and Drug-Free Management

Please know that you are not alone if you are the parent of a child who struggles with ADHD, regardless of whether they have received a diagnosis or not or whether they are taking medication.

Over 4 million of the 6 million kids in the United States who have ADHD are taking medication, which can have negative short- and long-term side effects.

So, let's explore the root causes of ADHD in a straightforward manner, including the neurology, chemistry, and physiology involved. This is especially true for parents who prefer not to treat their child's ADHD symptoms with medication.

Our ADHD children are nicknamed "Raging Bulls" because of their intense drive and energy, and we love their personality traits. If you can relate to this, this is the right fit for you.

We'll explore the causes of ADHD and how your child can use it as a superpower. We'll also discuss the difficulties that come with ADHD, like trouble sleeping. The most crucial message, though, is that you can empower your child's ADHD without medication.

I want to get to the bottom of the neurology underlying ADHD and disprove the old medical beliefs surrounding it.

It's crucial for parents to realize that once you grasp the true causes of ADHD, you can start developing drug-free strategies to help your child's neurological system balance and grow.

The Genetic and Chemical Imbalance Theories

It is concerning that 6 million children have been given an ADHD diagnosis and that 4 million of them are receiving potentially harmful drugs based on two unproven scientific theories, despite the fact that there is no medical test for the condition.

The genetic theory, which contends that ADHD is solely inherited, is the first hypothesis. The second idea claims that specific chemicals, including dopamine, serotonin, and epinephrine, are out of balance and that lifelong medicine is needed to restore this equilibrium.

This is where chiropractic with a neurological focus can help. 

Chiropractic care is frequently sought after for physical conditions, including persistent neck or back discomfort. They may not even be aware that they have ADHD, but they will quickly realize that these physical conditions frequently cause neurological problems.

Contrary to popular opinion, poor genetics or chemical imbalances are not the primary causes of ADHD. Actually, it's a neurologic imbalance.

Imbalanced Neurology: The True Root Cause of ADHD

Our nervous system has two sides: the parasympathetic (brake pedal) side and the sympathetic (gas pedal) side.

Impulsivity, hyperactivity, and emotional dysregulation are examples of ADHD symptoms that can result from overstimulating the fight or flight side. This is so because an impulsive or hyperactive subtype of ADHD exists.

However, the parasympathetic side of the nervous system, which is the opposing side, is also referred to as the "brake pedal." This side of the nervous system is in charge of rest, serenity, concentration, obeying rules, and controlling emotions.

Unfortunately, this side of the nervous system is underactive in ADHD kids, while the gas pedal side is overactive.

Neurology and Early Stressors: Impact on ADHD

Why does this occur, then?

The brain is extremely malleable throughout the first few years of life and is easily molded. Stress can seriously damage the brainstem and neurological system in children if they experience a lot of it during this crucial time.

Interventions made during labor, delivery, and pregnancy frequently result in birth trauma, which is the root cause of this stress. A child's neurology may change as a result of early life stressors, such as exposure to a lot of antibiotics or challenges, and the brain may be hardwired to run on sympathetic overdrive excessively.

An imbalance of neurotransmitters occurs in the brain when the nervous system is in overdrive. Within the neurological system, neurotransmitters are responsible for transmitting messages. The classic symptoms of ADHD are caused by this imbalance.

We've had the chance to speak to traditional medical practitioners about the actual neurological distinctions between the brain's gas and brake pedals. This phenomenon provides a factual explanation for problems including ADHD, anxiety, sensory processing issues, and others that are related to them.

Chemical imbalances are present in these situations, but they are not the primary cause; instead, they are a side effect.

The chemicals at work are intended to regulate the nervous system, which then responds to stimuli by either triggering a fight or flight reaction.

When someone has ADHD, their nervous system is designed to react with an excessive drive to move, talk, or participate in risky behaviors.

Responding to the impulses from the neurological system is where neurotransmitters enter the picture.

Therefore, while the chemical imbalance explanation is not incorrect, it is lacking since it does not address the underlying neurological distinctions that cause these behaviors.

Air Traffic Control: The Autonomic Nervous System

These chemical imbalances in children have a deeper root cause; it is an imbalance in the central or autonomic nervous system, which is frequently a result of early stressors a child encounters.

The stressful and toxic society we live in today affects our children earlier than ever before, and while genetics may play some role, this has led to what we refer to as the "Perfect Storm" theory.

Chiropractic Care: Addressing the Root Cause of ADHD

But there's good news: through chiropractic care that's neurologically focused, we can address the underlying root cause of these imbalances by harmonizing and restoring function to the nervous system.

We can engage and awaken the "brake pedal" side of the nervous system, which is in charge of relaxing and regulating the body, by concentrating on the central nervous system.

Regardless of their individual diagnosis, we have created a special set of care protocols for kids with neurological problems at PX Doc locations all over the world.

Our goal is to address the root of the symptoms of ADHD; we are not interested in merely treating or curing the condition. In order to achieve this, we use a system for adjusting, which awakens the parasympathetic side of the nervous system, which can help in relaxation and focus.

The Importance of a Neurologically Focused Care Plan

The intensity and duration of a child's nervous system problems determine the length and frequency of our neurologically focused chiropractic care plan.

We work alongside each family to create a special care plan that will help their child develop a well functioning nervous system.

This care plan is essential for your child's brain and nervous system to de-stress and perform at their highest level. It is frequently referred to as chiropractic care with a neurological focus on restoration.

Chiropractic Care: Turning ADHD into a Superpower

There is HOPE if your child is having difficulty in school, has poor grades, has a fried brain, is unable to focus or sleep, and it appears like ADHD is taking over their life.

Chiropractic care with a neurological focus can make ADHD a superpower.

Every child with ADHD has so much potential, in our opinion. They have a special intellect and drive that, when properly harnessed, can be a superpower.

More raging bulls are needed in the world. However, it's crucial for kids who are always moving to be able to slow down and take turns more easily when needed.

INSiGHT Scans: Assessing ADHD and Measuring Progress

Chiropractic care is a drug-free alternative that deals with the underlying cause of your child's ADHD. We can control their chemistry, physiology, and total bodily function by turning on their brake pedal system and regulating their central nervous system.

It is a revolutionary strategy that can benefit kids at any developmental level.

Additionally, we give an ADHD assessment using INSiGHT scans, a piece of technology that measures how much of the brake pedal is used in comparison to the gas pedal and can shed light on your child's particular difficulties.

Child getting INSiGHT scan

INSiGHT Scanning Technology

In order to assess and identify the stress on your child's nervous system, our office uses INSiGHT scans. We are able to measure the stress and determine its specific location, quantity, and intensity.

This makes it possible to develop a personalized care plan to correct the subluxations and relieve stress.

Initial Exam STRESSED

When the neurospinal system is stressed a decrease in function results. INSiGHT scanning allows us to look deeply into the spinal nerve connections and understand the impact these subluxations have on the overall health of the patient. Note one sided red and blue lines.

INSiGHT scan showing stress

Follow Up Exam HEALTHIER

Getting rid of subluxation can result in amazing natural neurological healing, which enhances the digestive, immunological, and motor systems. Your child will perform more effectively overall, have better sleep, and be able to regulate their emotions better. Note more balanced, less red and decreased blue lines.

INSiGHT scan showing improvement

Taking Control: Drug-Free Solutions for ADHD in Children

It is unfortunate that traditional medicine frequently doesn't fully comprehend the chemical explanation underlying ADHD and doesn't provide a test for it.

Our ADHD test provides precisely that, since at our office we believe in giving measurable results.

Supporting Your Child's Journey to Success

Give our office a call 678-404-9950 once you're ready to go forward! You can help your child realize their full potential without resorting to medications.

You can lay the foundation for a better future. Your child deserves it.

We are always here to support you and your child as they journey toward success.

About Us 

Elite Pediatric and Family Chiropractic

At Elite Pediatric and Family Chiropractic we are committed to empowering each individual with the potential for superior health, expression, and achievement in life by giving Hope, Answers, and Help to families.

We are dedicated to helping families raise healthy kids naturally. We focus on prenatal, pediatric, and family chiropractic care in order to lead our patients "out of the storm" --of neurological trauma. Our office specializes in working with children who have sensory, behavioral, emotional, learning, and developmental challenges.

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