
What is the Webster Technique and
How Does it Benefit Pregnant Women?

The Webster Technique is a gentle method of chiropractic care during pregnancy that focuses on aligning the pelvis and releasing tension in the surrounding muscles and ligaments This helps the pelvis function properly during pregnancy, providing an optimal environment for the baby’s growth and movement. It’s also known for alleviating common lower back and sciatic pain that many pregnant women experience.

During pregnancy, chiropractic care becomes essential for the health and well-being of both the mother and the baby. More women and healthcare providers are recognizing the benefits of this care, especially through Webster Certification. This specialized technique targets specific chiropractic adjustments to improve the neurobiomechanical function of the pelvic region.

One of the main goals of the Webster Technique is to address subluxations and sacroiliac (SI) joint dysfunctions. By doing so, it can help correct issues that might contribute to difficult labor, such as inadequate uterine function, pelvic contractions, and poor baby positioning. This correction can lead to a more comfortable and efficient labor process.

While some believe the Webster Technique is solely for turning breech babies, its primary aim is to neutralize the pelvis and relieve tension. This creates the necessary space for the baby to move into the optimal head-down position for birth.

The technique involves gentle adjustments to the sacrum and pubic bone, often using a drop table for precision. Since the uterus is attached to the sacrum, any misalignment can cause uterine tension. Correcting the sacrum’s position helps ensure that both mother and baby are comfortable and ready for a smoother delivery.

A Concise Overview of the Method's History

The Webster Technique was developed in the late 1970s by Dr. Larry Webster, a chiropractor driven by a personal mission.

After witnessing his daughter’s challenging birth, he was inspired to find chiropractic solutions that could ease labor and delivery.

His focus was on addressing imbalances in the sacrum and pelvis, key areas that could influence the birthing process.

Central to Webster’s approach is the concept of intrauterine constraint, where a baby’s movement is restricted within the uterus.

This restriction can lead to discomfort for the pregnant individual and complications for the baby, such as difficulty moving into the ideal position for birth.

Through his work, Dr. Webster observed that his gentle chiropractic adjustments could turn babies from a breech to a head-down position.

In 2000, a certification program for the Webster Technique was established, formalizing the method and its teaching. Dr. Webster also founded the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA), which now includes over 6,000 chiropractors dedicated to family health and wellness.

Dr. Webster's motivation deepened after his daughter Lucinda experienced a difficult birth with her daughter, Shannon. Despite providing chiropractic adjustments during labor, he believed a more specific approach to the pelvis could make a significant impact.

This led him to develop a targeted adjustment method aimed at easing labor for women.

His commitment to refining the technique was further reinforced when he applied it to a pregnant patient with a breech baby.

Through weekly sessions, the baby turned to the optimal vertex position in time for delivery.

This success spurred Dr. Webster to share his findings with other chiropractors, who also reported similar outcomes with their patients. Initially known as the “Webster Breech Turning Technique,” it was later renamed the "Webster In-Utero Constraint Technique." And now is simply The Webster Technique.

Dr. Webster's dedication to the technique continued with his daughter Pamela’s pregnancy. He ensured she received regular chiropractic care and provided her chiropractor with a video of his method. Even Pamela’s OB, intrigued by the pelvic biomechanics and chiropractic perspective, supported the use of the Webster Technique throughout her pregnancy.

Dr. Larry Webster

Developer of the Webster Technique

In His Own Words...

Listen to Dr. Webster in this rare exerpt from a 1995 Health Talk Radio interview as he speaks about the benefits of chiropractic care for expecting moms, the Webster Technique and the perils of intrauterine constraint.

Note: The terms “in-utero-constraint” and “breech” were eliminated from the "language" describing the technique and simply called, “The Webster Technique.” The reasoning behind this position was that both terms implied the treatment of a condition - the intentional focus of care on an unborn malpresented/ malpositioned fetus rather than focusing on the correction of sacral subluxation to restore normal function.

Who Could Benefit from this Approach

If you’re pregnant and experiencing issues such as a breech baby, a history of breech births, or concerns with your sacrum or pelvis, the Webster Technique might be an excellent option for you. Unlike the external cephalic version (ECV), which involves manually turning the baby by applying pressure on the belly, the Webster Technique is a gentler, less invasive chiropractic method aimed at optimizing pelvic alignment.

Chiropractic care through the Webster Technique can be sought throughout the entire pregnancy as a preventive measure or at any specific point when issues arise. Regular sessions are recommended because the hormone relaxin, prevalent during pregnancy, can make it harder for adjustments to maintain their effects.

Webster Method for Alleviating Pain

It’s no surprise that the areas targeted by the Webster Technique are often the same areas causing discomfort during pregnancy. Issues like low back pain, sciatica, tailbone pain, and round ligament tension are common, and this technique can offer significant relief.

Low Back Pain, Sciatica, and Tailbone Pain

Low back and pelvic pain are common complaints during pregnancy. The Webster Technique addresses these by not only adjusting the pelvis but also working on the muscles and ligaments, particularly the iliopsoas muscles. These muscles often tighten due to the forward tilt of the pelvis, causing strain and discomfort. Adjusting the pelvis and addressing muscle tension can greatly alleviate low back pain.

Sciatica, caused by tension in the piriformis muscle, is another condition the Webster Technique can help. This muscle’s tension can pinch the sciatic nerve, leading to pain. Regular adjustments can relieve this tension and reduce sciatic symptoms.

Tailbone pain, which can persist postpartum, is also alleviated by adjusting the pelvis and releasing tension in the surrounding tissues, particularly the sacrotuberous ligament.

SPD/Pubic Pain

Symphysis pubis dysfunction (SPD) results from instability at the front of the pelvis and can cause significant discomfort. The Webster Technique helps by balancing the pelvis and directly addressing the pubic bone, providing much-needed relief from SPD symptoms.

Round Ligament Pain

Round ligament pain, often experienced as sharp twinges in the lower belly, is common as the belly grows during pregnancy. The round ligament supports the uterus and stretches as the baby grows, which can be painful. The Webster Technique uses direct pressure on this ligament to relieve pain and reduce strain. Stretching exercises are also recommended to manage round ligament pain effectively.

Get Ready for Childbirth with the Webster Technique

In the later stages of pregnancy, the Webster Technique becomes particularly beneficial in preparing for labor and delivery. By relieving pelvic tension and ensuring proper alignment, this technique creates an optimal environment for the baby.

Women who receive regular chiropractic care during pregnancy often experience shorter labor times, with research indicating a reduction of 25-33% in labor duration.

ECV & The Webster Technique

The Webster Technique can also serve as a preparatory step for an external cephalic version (ECV), where an obstetrician manually turns the baby into a better position. By improving pelvic mobility and reducing uterine tension, the Webster Technique can enhance the effectiveness of an ECV.

A common misconception about the Webster Technique is that it is used to reposition breech babies. Unlike ECV, which involves manually moving the baby, the Webster Technique focuses on optimizing the pelvic environment to allow the baby to move into the best position naturally. This distinction is crucial for understanding the gentle and supportive nature of the Webster Technique compared to the more invasive ECV procedure.

How Is The Webster Technique Performed?

The Webster Technique is administered by a licensed chiropractor who specializes in this gentle adjustment method.

During a session, the chiropractor employs various techniques to realign the pelvis, ensuring it functions optimally during pregnancy.

These techniques include:

  • Specific Adjustments: Precise movements to correct misalignments.
  • Mobilizations: Techniques to increase the range of motion in the pelvic joints.
  • Trigger Point Therapy: Targeting specific areas of muscle tension to relieve pain.

After aligning the pelvis, the chiropractor will provide guidance and support on maintaining proper alignment throughout pregnancy, which is crucial for both maternal comfort and fetal development.

The Webster Technique is recognized as a safe chiropractic method specifically for pregnant women.

It focuses on the ligaments of the pelvis without rotating the torso, thereby avoiding any pressure on the uterus.

This approach ensures a healthy pregnancy by maintaining pelvic balance and reducing discomfort.

Dr. Danielle Pichette performing aspects of the Webster Technique on a patient.

How Successful Is The Webster Technique?

According to a 2002 study in The Journal of Manipulative & Physiological Theraputics: "Conclusion: The surveyed doctors reported a high rate of success (82%) in relieving the musculoskeletal causes of intrauterine constraint using the Webster Technique.

Although the sample size was small, the results suggest that it may be beneficial to perform the Webster Technique in month 8 of pregnancy, when breech presentation is unlikely to spontaneously convert to cephalic presentation and when external cephalic version is not an effective technique. When successful, the Webster Technique avoids the costs and/or risks of external cephalic version, cesarean section, or vaginal trial of breech.

In view of these findings, the Webster Technique deserves serious consideration in the health care management of expectant mothers exhibiting adverse fetal presentation."

What Are The Benefits Of The Webster Technique?

The Webster Technique is highly regarded for its effectiveness in addressing malpresentation. Studies indicate that it has a higher success rate compared to the external cephalic version (ECV), which has about a 50% success rate. However, further research is needed to fully establish these findings.

Maternal Benefits

The primary goal of the Webster Technique is to reduce interference in the pregnant woman's nervous system, particularly the sacral nerve, often disrupted by pelvic subluxations (misalignments). By realigning the pelvis, this technique can optimize the nervous system’s function, leading to several benefits:

  • Improved Pelvic and Sacral Alignment: Ensuring the pelvis is correctly aligned reduces discomfort and potential complications.
  • Relief from Back Pain and Sciatica: Addressing subluxations helps alleviate common pregnancy-related pain.
  • Increased Comfort and Mobility: Proper alignment enhances overall comfort and movement during pregnancy.
  • Reduced Stress: A balanced pelvis can contribute to lower stress levels.
  • Improved Digestion and Elimination: Optimal nervous system function can enhance digestive processes.

Fetal Benefits

While the primary focus of the Webster Technique is the mother, it also significantly benefits the baby. Pelvic subluxations can restrict the baby's movement and interfere with its natural positioning, reducing oxygen and blood flow. By addressing these issues, the Webster Technique can provide several advantages for the baby:

  • Improved Oxygen and Blood Flow: Ensuring the baby receives adequate oxygen and nutrients.
  • Increased Space in the Womb: Allowing the baby to move freely.
  • Improved Positioning: Helping the baby settle into an optimal birth position.

The Webster Technique is gentle compared to ECV and is believed to have a higher success rate, although more studies are needed. Regular adjustments using this technique may reduce the likelihood of a cesarean delivery, thus avoiding surgical birth risks.

Additional Benefits

The technique is considered safe for most pregnancies and can be beneficial throughout the entire term or specifically if the baby is in a breech position. Besides addressing breech presentation, it can also alleviate:

  • Leg Pain and Tightness: Reducing discomfort in the legs.
  • Back Pain: Alleviating common pregnancy-related back issues.
  • Birth Canal Issues: Addressing narrow spaces to facilitate smoother delivery.

What Are The Risks of the Webster Technique?

While the Webster Technique offers numerous benefits, it's essential to recognize that, like any medical procedure, it does come with some risks. However, these risks are generally minimal, especially when compared to the risks associated with procedures like external cephalic version or surgery.

Common Risks

The most frequently reported risk is discomfort for the mother. This discomfort is usually mild and temporary.

Rarer Risks

  • Bruising: Minor bruising at the adjustment site.
  • Tenderness: Some areas may feel tender after treatment.
  • Soreness: Mild soreness that typically resolves quickly.
  • Fetal Risks

    There are minimal risks to the fetus when the Webster Technique is performed.

    These side effects are generally mild and short-lived. If you experience any severe side effects, it is crucial to contact your chiropractor immediately.


    Though the Webster Technique is considered safe, certain health conditions may make chiropractic care inappropriate. Consult with your doctor before undergoing this treatment if you have:

    • Vaginal Bleeding: Any unexplained vaginal bleeding.
    • Placenta Previa or Placental Abruption: Conditions involving the placenta that require medical attention.
    • Moderate to Severe Preeclampsia: High blood pressure conditions during pregnancy that need careful management.

    Understanding these risks and consulting with healthcare providers ensures the Webster Technique is used safely and effectively.

    ICPA and Webster Certification

    In 2000, the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA) officially implemented the Webster Technique Certification. This initiative, developed by Connie Webster, Dr. Webster’s widow and ICPA Executive Director, alongside Dr. Jeanne Ohm, aimed to educate chiropractors on the technique and emphasize its importance during pregnancy. 

    Dr. Ohm structured the curriculum around the physiological principle that the Webster Technique could help eliminate the causes of dystocia when used throughout pregnancy. Shortly after its implementation, ICPA members were advised to avoid terms implying breech turning.

    In 2012, ICPA Research Director Dr. Joel Alcantara and Dr. Jeanne Ohm published a paper titled "The Webster Technique: Definition, Application, and Implications." This publication clarified the technique's intent, definition, and specific sacral correction analysis as originally taught by Dr. Webster. It also reinforced the need to move away from terminology such as "breech turning" and "in-utero constraint."

    Remaining true to Dr. Webster’s vision, the Webster Technique continues to be a core component of the ICPA Certification Program. It is taught as a specific sacral analysis and diversified adjustment, intended for use throughout pregnancy to address sacral subluxation effects. The technique is also beneficial for all weight-bearing individuals, regardless of age or gender.

    How Do I Find a Webster Technique Chiropractor Near Me?

    The Webster Technique is a safe and effective chiropractic method for pregnant women experiencing pelvic subluxations. This technique can address various pregnancy-related issues, including back pain, breech presentation, and restricted fetal movement.

    If you are pregnant and considering this treatment, we encourage you to reach out to us.

    Dr. Danielle Pichette at our office, Elite Pediatric and Family Chiropractic, is highly trained and certified in the Webster Technique.

    We are dedicated to helping you feel your best during pregnancy, ensuring a smoother and more comfortable journey as you prepare to welcome your new bundle of joy into the world. 

    Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

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