You Were Meant for This: Welcoming Your New Role as Mom


September 21, 2023

Mom to be

Embrace Your Transition to Motherhood with Grace

In a world full of scary diagnoses, politically motivated agendas, judgy mom organizations, social media, trigger warnings left and right, and the Target checkout woman telling you to "sleep while you can," it's difficult to know where to turn for guidance when you find out you're pregnant.

With all of this going on, the shift to motherhood might feel more like a loss than the most happy and important period of our life.

It's normal to feel isolated and lost. To be honest, we're bidding goodbye to the only versions of ourselves we've ever known. We'll never be the same again.

But what if thats exactly how it's supposed to be? It's natural to miss our former selves during this season. We realize we are closing the door on the life we once had... But what comes next?

Surround Yourself with Supportive Community

What if we approached pregnancy and motherhood transition in a different way than our society does?

It all starts with who and what we associate with. When it comes to pregnancy, today's world is cluttered with materials, opinions, and possibilities, so who we pick to be in our circle is most crucial.

Have you ever heard the expression, "You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with?" The people you choose to be with and listen to have the most effect in your life.

Keep your birth team and circle close at a time when you are most vulnerable.

Create a community of people who will support, empower, and encourage you in all of your pregnancy decisions.

Lessons from Elephants: Building a Strong Perinatal Sisterhood

When I was in an auditorium with thousands of other women, I heard a story that altered my life.

Did you know that other female elephants will surround a pregnant elephant?

It's enthralling. 40 tons of elephants kicking up mud, creating loud noises, and warning other predators and attackers that they will not approach their sister while she is most vulnerable. It's stunning.

What's more, after the baby elephant is born, the sister elephants will wrap him in soil and play their trumpets incessantly, urging and cheering their sister on as they share the event with the entire animal kingdom.

This is how it should be for other mom's to be going through the perinatal season of life. We should never cease encouraging one another, whether we are in a season of fertility, pregnancy, or postpartum.

Trust Your "Mom Gut" Instincts Above All Else

And as the central elephant. The one who is expecting. Know your power, too... 

-that you are the best mother for your child and
-that you have a "mom gut" that you should trust above everything else.
-that you have options when it comes to everything involving you and your child. YOU are the chosen one. And you are capable of doing so.

It's good to log off now and then to find resources that meet your needs rather than those that delight everyone else.

It's fine to be unique. It's critical to trust your instincts.

Our children are hitchhikers on our neural systems, so whatever we are feeling, so are they, which is why we must be their #1 defender.

Be the Confident, Resilient Parent Your Child Needs

We perform best when our neurological systems are flexible to pressures that we cannot always control.

We should be able to race across the street and then sit down for a nice, digestible lunch. That demonstrates our adaptability and resilience.

Our wish for you today is that you enter the parenting transition feeling empowered and confident, knowing that you are the mother your child requires. That you take on the job of mother with grace.

You will never be flawless, and that is what makes it so perfect. That you are free to alter your mind, your provider, or your route... That your body was designed to carry this child.

Your body was picked to give birth to this child. And you were created to care for, adore and love this child.

Discover more about how to Experience a Healthy Pregnancy and Delivery with Prenatal Chiropractic Care here.

About Us 

Elite Pediatric and Family Chiropractic

At Elite Pediatric and Family Chiropractic we are committed to empowering each individual with the potential for superior health, expression, and achievement in life by giving Hope, Answers, and Help to families.

We are dedicated to helping families raise healthy kids naturally. We focus on prenatal, pediatric, and family chiropractic care in order to lead our patients "out of the storm" --of neurological trauma. Our office specializes in working with children who have sensory, behavioral, emotional, learning, and developmental challenges.

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